Friday, March 13, 2009

Uncertainties and Certainties

Like many nonprofits, WGM is having to adjust to the global economic situation. Interestingly, donations are up compared to this time last year, so our supporters are still firmly supporting. But income from investments are down, and that is a significant portion of the support staff budget. So, trusting God to help the organization through this, the leadership is doing some restructuring to try to get the place moving more efficiently. Which is great! But that means we're all a bit uncertain about job security. So I've compiled a list of my current certainties and uncertainties to make myself feel better.

Uncertainty: that I will have a job at the end of the day on Monday
Certainty: God's got my back
Uncertainty: that we'll be able to celebrate our vacation in DC next week with as much gusto as we'd hoped.
Certainty: that we're sure as heck still going!
Uncertainty: that I'll find a new job quickly, if I lose my current one
Certainty: that God will take care of us no matter what!

And because I'm an optimist at heart, I thought of a bunch more certainties!

Certainty: I have the most awesome husband ever
Certainty: I have great friends and family who love me
Certainty: I have a nice house and a warm bed to take cover in if the world gets too much
Certainty: God has blessed us in wonderful ways, and I know He's got plans for us!

So I know it will be okay. It's just still hard. Pray for me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, as our dear son once told us, "We'll build you a shed in the back yard and you can live there." :>) So no worries! Seriously, we are praying! I'm glad you have such a good attitude about it. (Mom E.)