Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm fine with change, it's just ....

Today was a day of relief tempered with sadness. Relief in finding out I still had a job. Sadness in realizing that some of my friends did not. On top of that, they're totally restructuring things and moving people around. And I'm totally fine with change, I really am. It's just that this time, people I know were hurt.

In the midst of pain and uncertainty, God is there. No big surprise, really, but still, it's good to remember. This morning as I was getting ready, I put on a necklace with a pendant of an elephant made from a tiger's eye stone. Elephants are a symbol of strength, and I thought I would need it! Steve was sick, so I got to drive his car, which has a working radio. (mine doesn't. But I have a shorter commute, so he gets the nicer car) As I was driving along, the song "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor came on. How cool is that?? And it's such a fun song about overcoming, being brave, taking risks, etc. It was like I could hear God saying, "See? I got you covered. And I'm cool, too."

Also, I almost drove off the road as I was holding the wheel with my knee and hammering out the drums. I love Rockband.

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