Friday, January 23, 2009

Gardening pros we are not, but we get pretty flowers in January

In the fall, when flower bulbs were on sale, Steve and I bought some pretty white narcissus bulbs, planning to plant them outside. But we never got around to it, and by Christmas, they had started to sprout. (We didn't know that we could have delayed that by putting them in the garage.) We realized that they would probably die if we didn't plant them soon, so Steve suggested we plant them in pots.

So we planted them over New Year's weekend, and here are the results:

This is how they started out. Itty bitty little sprouts of greenness.

And then a WHOLE bunch of them came up! It's like our own little garden. In the middle of freakin' January. They did like the sunshine today.

Close-up of prettiness. Also, they smell nice. Which is great, because it helps combat the faint smell of turtle. Because we're pet-sitting a turtle, not because a massive plague of turtles has struck our neighborhood. THAT would be weird.

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