Wednesday, October 8, 2008


A while ago in chapel at work, we watched a short film by Rob Bell, pastor of Mars Hill church in Grand Rapids. He talked about God speaking to Elijah – not with the storm or the earthquake – but with a still, small voice, or as it is sometimes translated, in the silence. The film went on to be completely silent, only flashing words on the screen. The point was that it’s possible that there is a connection between the amount of noise in our lives, and our closeness to God.

We are constantly exposed to so much noise. Cell phones, TV’s, radios, MP3 players, computers, so much that exists to be something to listen to or to interact with.

At one point in the film, there was about 60 seconds of nothing. No audio, no visual, just silence. And it was uncomfortable.

Why do we feel the need to fill the silence?

Is it because we can’t bear the fact that when there’s no noise, there’s nothing to distract us from our own thoughts? Or does it mean that the only thing left to do is listen to God, and that makes us squirm in our seats?

When was the last time I worshiped God in the silence?

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