Monday, June 2, 2008

We have our closing date!

And it's June 24! But the fun part is that two days later, we fly to North Carolina for Steve's cousin's wedding, and then when we get back, the next weekend is the Fourth of July weekend. So no one will be here to help us move. Bummer.

But the cool thing is, God is bringing people to help in a really nifty way. One of my good friends from my B-desh days is just "happening" to drive through Indiana that week, and she's going to stop by and help for a couple days. Which is AWESOME!

So we're not worried. And we're thinking that the gradually-move-a-box-or-two-over-at-a-time thing might be an interesting change from the usual stuff-everything-in-a-big-truck-then-pile-it-in-the-house-altogether way we've usually moved.

At any rate, we are now at the stage where we're using up all the weird foods you buy and then forget to use. We're going to be eating Falafel mix, three cans of cranberry sauce, and 10 packs of jello for the next three weeks. Fun stuff.

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