Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Living with a geek is contagious

You have been warned. Living with a geek is seriously contagious. Now, I am more than thrilled that I get to and I wouldn’t have it any other way, because I love him to pieces. But the fact remains, because I live with a geek, I must suffer/enjoy the consequences.

My geek is awesome. I love the fact that he can fix any computer issue known to mankind, and that he thinks creatively about solving problems. (We recently set up a web-based system for assigning chores and household projects) I love it that he’s extremely capable of fixing the TV, managing our phones and network system. And he can fix cars, too! He’s pretty amazing. Plus, you know, there's the whole love thing, but that's another post.

Over time, I have found myself actually starting to understand him when he comes home at night to talk about his day. I’ve become mildly amused at tech jokes. I have (although he might disagree) actually become half-way competent in fixing issues with my laptop. And I read xkcd web comics. According to the creator, they are comics about “math, language, sarcasm and romance.” Basically, that means I find them funny about 30% of the time, and usually the funniest ones to me are the inappropriate ones. But for some reason, regardless of the 60% that don't earn a guffaw, I keep going back, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday! (that's when they put new comics up)

And this one, I found hilarious, because it’s something that my geek would do, if he slipped just a hair farther into geekiness.

This is a true story, too! The dude really did this! And the funny thing is, my geek told me that one of his geek friends (he has a lot of them) did this once – almost to the letter. They really are very funny people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, they are lovable, aren't they? ;) I have found that gaining a basic enough understanding of techie terminology that I can take part in related conversation is a good thing... and it helps me not sound like a dunce. At least not sounding that way too often. ...and you know, if I show legitimate interest in this part of his life, he may pay heed to some of my random hobbies also. :)