“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of God in heaven.” Matthew 5:43-45
Do you have a hard time praying for people you don’t like? What about individuals who are actively trying to destroy innocent people – like militant Islamic terrorists?
Let’s face it: it’s easy to pray for people you like and who think the same way you do. It’s hard to pray for people you don’t understand. But in reality, nothing we are told to do as Christians is easy. Admit that you are a sinner and are utterly depraved? Believe in a God who is somehow one yet somehow three at the same time? Treating others as we would want to be treated? It can only be done if we die to our own desires and prejudices and allow Christ to live in us.
As Jesus was teaching the message of praying for one’s enemies, Judea was under control of the Romans. Jesus was not talking about the guy who you just can’t see eye to eye with. He was talking about Roman soldiers who got their kicks out of inflicting pain and suffering on others. For a Jew to be told to pray for these men, it would have been incredibly hard to take.
For an American who watched the Twin Towers fall and knows soldiers serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, is being told to love Islamic terrorists any different?
We know we’re supposed to pray for our enemies, but if you’re like me, it’s hard to pray for someone when all you know is just a name. So I was so happy to discover
atfp.org – Adopt-a-Terrorist for Prayer!
This is just so cool. These guys have NO idea what they’re in for! For each person, this organization has basic bio info (you can often find more info on
Wikipedia), their status (at large, captured, etc), and in most cases, a photo. ATFP also has specific suggestions for how to pray for these guys, which is really helpful if you have little or no experience with Islam.
Want to adopt your own terrorist for prayer? Just go to the website, and browse through the database until you find one you connect with. I know that sounds ridiculous, but I do believe that God leads us to particular people to pray for. My dude is a scholar and preacher from Saudi Arabia. (If you’re unfamiliar with Islamic names, they can be a mouthful. So maybe start by memorizing his name!)
This is such a great way for the church to respond to the need for these men and women to know Jesus. We can’t go there ourselves, so we place them in his arms, and keep praying. It’s mind-boggling, to think of what we could do if the church started specifically praying for these guys.