Steve and I thought it would be nice to give our indoor-only cats an outdoor experience by taking out the windows in our sunroom, and give them access to a little ledge where they could wander a few feet out into the great unknown. We spent the afternoon outside, washing our cars, and came in every once in a while to check on them. Just a little bit ago, we came back inside. I put a few things away in the basement, and I heard Steve say, "Rachel, Rachel, come upstairs!" I ran into the kitchen, and he asked me, "What happens when you leave windows wide open all day long?" I thought, surely not a bird. But yes, it was a bird, nestled right between the olive oil and the soy sauce. Lady, Cat # 1, was prowling around and was VERY interested.
Naturally, we thought, what do we do now? I grabbed a box with a lid, close the door to the living room, and Steve tried to coax Bird into the box. Bird did not want to be coaxed, and dive-bombed towards me. I screamed like a little girl - very sad, I know. Bird landed by our coats, which handily enough, is right by the front door. Steve finally got it, and it flapped pitifully against the box as he carried it outside. He placed it on the driveway and opened it up, and Bird did nothing. Just sat there. Still nothing. Obviously stunned.
So I picked it up and placed it on the driveway. Bird blinked at me, and still did nothing. Steve picked it up and it perched on his finger while I ran for the camera. I got to take a few pictures of Steve looking like Nature Boy. Bird didn't do anything until Steve gently tossed it in the air, and it flew - somewhat erratically - away.
At least we have the proof.